Find Your Council
The subject councils are local departments of the Student Union. The faculty councils organize all subject councils at each faculty. Their purpose is to safeguard your interests as a student, and they organize academic, social and political events for you and your fellow students. When important decisions are made in democratic bodies at the University of Copenhagen, the subject councils and faculty councils secure that students’ voices are heard.
Not all subjects have an active subject council yet. Fortunately, there’s a solution. If you and your fellow students wish to start a subject council, we’d love to help. Many of us have started our own councils, so feel free to reach out!
You can also read our handbook for subject councils (only in Danish) with lots of ideas for activities, advices to how you can kickstart your subject council, guide to how you can apply for financial support and other kinds of tips that can help you ind your work.
Search for your subject here…
…or choose your faculty and find your faculty council and subject council in the list below.
Faculty of Humanities
Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law is a so-called mono faculty. There is only one subject taught in the entire faculty which is the study of law. For this reason, there is only one council called the United Students of Law.