….Vil du være med til at forme universitetsvalget? Med årets Univalg bag os og corona som stadig fylder vores hverdag, vil vi introducere univalgsgruppen! ..Would you like to take part in planning this year’s Uni Election? ….With last year’s Uni Election behind us and the corona virus still among us, we continue our work in the Uni Election working group!….
….Til dagens møde vil vi sætte fokus på konkrete tiltag til at sprede studenterdemokratiet i årets løb, og sikre at alle aktive har de bedste forudsætninger for at levere et godt univalg. ..In this meeting we will focus our attention on how we can take concrete actions to mobilize around the student democracy throughout the year at the same time as making sure, that our active students have the competences to deliver a hell of a campaign for this year’s Uni Election! ….
….Alle er velkomne, om du har været til otte eller ét univalg. ..Everyone is welcome to join our work, regardless of how many Uni Elections you have participated in. ….
….Vi glæder os til at se jer! ..We look forward to seeing you!….
….Find facebook-event med zoom-link her. ..Join the virtual meeting via this facebook-event. ….