….Det må aldrig være utrygt at være studerende ..No student should feel unsafe at the university….
….Desværre oplever alt for mange krænkelser på universiteterne i Danmark. Det er ikke i orden, og en kultur, som der skal gøres op med. Kulturen på P1 har i denne uge oprullet et skræmmende eksempel på netop dette. ..Unfortunately, far too many students and employees experience violations at the universities in Denmark. This is not acceptable, and it’s an unhealthy culture that needs to be dealt with. The broadcast‘The Culture’ on P1 has put focus on different examples of this unhealthy and unacceptable culture this week. ….
….Et af skridtene, som KU bør tage i denne proces, er at sikre en central klageadgang for studerende. En sådan central klageinstans vil gøre, at det ikke er de lokale til tider meget små fagmiljøer, som skal håndtere de enkelte klagesager, og samtidig sikre armslængde i sagsbehandlingen. Det har Studenterrådet presset på for i længere tid. Det var vores forperson Esben Bjørn Salmonsen i Kulturen på P1 for at uddybe i tirsdags. ..One of the things the University of Copenhagen should do in this process is to ensure a central right of appeal for students. Such a central appeal body will make sure it is not the local, sometimes very small, professional environments, who have to handle the individual appeal cases. The Student Union has been pushing for this for a long time. This Thuesday our President Esben Bjørn Salmonsen visited ‘The Culture’ on P1 to elaborate on this. ….
….Hør med i udsendelsen her eller læs artiklen hos DR. ..Listen to the broadcast here or read the article at DR (all in Danish). ….