….Nej tak til et-årige kandidatuddannelser og SU-lån..No thank you to one year master degress….

…."Vi skal ikke skabe et A- og et B-hold […] et A-hold for dem der har karaktererne og økonomien og et B-hold for de andre" ..It is wrong to create an A and a B team. An A team for those students who have a healthy economy and high grades and a B team for all the others. ….

….Vores forperson Esben skriver i dagens Uniavis hvorfor kommissionens forslag om 1 årige kandidatuddannelser vil skabe flere problemer end det vil løse. At flere kommer ud på arbejdsmarkedet efter deres bachelor, er ikke et problem, men udfordringen er, at det ikke findes lige nu. ..Our President Esben Bjørn Salmonsen is in Uniavisen where he comments on the proposal from the commission and states how the one year master degrees will only create more problems than they will solve. The fact that more students with only a bachelor degree will go into the job market, but the fact is, that this kind of job market does not exist today. ….

….Og så er den gamle traver om at lave kandidat-SU'en om til lån kommet op igen. Men heldigvis har Jesper Petersen, vores minister, allerede været ude og sige, at det ikke er regeringens politik. ..The commission also suggests the politician’s all time favourite proposal of redisigning our state educational grant into a loan. Luckily our Minister of Education og and Research Jesper Petersen have already guaranteed that this is not part of the government’s politic. ….

….I kan læse Esbens debatindlæg her. ..You can read his their article here. ….


….Der er brug for mere feedback på vores uddannelser ..There is a need for more feedback on our academic work as students….


Jobmulighed: student til kommunikation