….Københavns Universitet åbner 1/2! ..The University of Copenhagen will be fully open….

….Det er nu blevet meldt ud, at alle restriktioner ophæves d. 1. februar. ..The Government has now decided, that the restrictions due to Covid-19, will be lifted on Febraury 1th. ….

….Vi glæder os til at få gang i studiemiljøerne igen. Det har været hårdt at holde gejsten oppe i de frivillige fællesskaber, både i fredagsbaren og den lokale faglige forening. Vi glæder os til at se jer alle sammen på både læsesalen og i fredagsbaren. .. We are looking forward to getting the study environments going again. It has been hard to keep the spirits up in the voluntary communities, both in the Friday bar and the local voluntary environments. But now we just look forward to seeing you all in both the reading room and the Friday bar soon! ….


….Ny fagrådshåndbog ..A new handbook for subject councils….


….Nyt Forretningsudvalg i Studenterrådet ..New executive committee in the Student Union….