….Studerende på Københavns Universitet har holdt en masse fede projekter, der gør en vigtig faglig og social forskel. Her kan du se nogle af de begivenheder, vi har støttet i 2021-2022! ..Students at Copenhagen University have created awesome projects that make a akademic and social difference. Here you can se the events that we’ve supported in 2021-2022! ….

….PsykRådet tog på tværgående møde i Aarhus med psykologistuderende fra Aarhus and Aalborg.. The Psychology Counsel went on a cross meeting in Aarhus with psychology students from Aarhus and Aalborg. ….

….Etnologisk Fagråd på museum i Lund.. The Ethnological Counsel traveled to a museum in Lund, Sweden….

….SAMF-rådets bod til Univalget.. The Social Science Counsel’s stand at the University Election. ….

….Statskundskabs Fagråd laver julebingo.. The Political Science Councel held a Christmas bingo….

….Stats-litteratur holder bogklub.. Political Science’s Litterature Group is holding a reading session….

….Mellemøststudiers Fagråd holder fagrådsmøde og fælles aftensmad.. The counsel of Middle Eastern studies hold a meeting and eat dinner together….

….Molekylær Biomedicin afholdt oplæg på Karrieredagen.. Moleculair Biomedicine held an event during the Carrier Day. ….

….European Horizons afholdte begivenheden "LGBT+ & POLEN: Bør vi blande os?" - med oplæg og debat.. European Horizons held the event “LGBT+ & Poland: Should we intervene?” - with talk and debate….

….Studerende mod Besættelsen holder oplæg om KU’s finansieringer i Israel.. The Student Movement Against the Occupation hold a talk about KU’s financing in Israel….

….Statskundskabs Fagråd afholder en kageaktion.. The Political Science Councel held a cake event….